Updated WBIF factsheets now available

Updated WBIF factsheets now available

The biannual update of the WBIF factsheets by sector, corridor and bilateral donor-funded projects is complete. Using the latest data and project examples from the most recent round of funding, they provide a timely snapshot of investments in the region.

Corridor factsheets

Transport corridor factsheets have been updated to reflect the revised Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T), the vast infrastructure network of railways, roads, and inland waterways connecting the European Union. Of the nine European Transport Corridors, two connect to the Western Balkans – the Western Balkans - Eastern Mediterranean and the Rhine-Danube corridor. 

The Western Balkans - Eastern Mediterranean European Corridor links central European Member States with the ports of the Adriatic and East Mediterranean Seas via the Western Balkans. WBIF investments in road and rail seek to overcome decades of under-investment and bring the infrastructure up to EU standards.

The following WBIF transport corridor factsheets are updated to reflect the new TEN-T framework and provides the status of implementation up to October 2024:

- Rail Corridor X

- Rail Route 4, Bar-Vrbnica

- Road Corridor Vc

- Rail Corridor VIII

- Rail Route 10

Two factsheets concern the creation of the Trans-Balkan electricity corridor, a regional power network connecting the electricity transmission systems of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Serbia with those of Croatia, Hungary, Romania and Italy.

-    Trans-Balkan electricity corridor

-    Albania-North Macedonia power interconnector

Sector factsheets

Get an updated overview of WBIF investments per sector, covering the six priorities of the EU’s Economic and Investment Plan:

-    Sustainable Transport

-    Clean Energy

-    Climate and Environment

-    Human Capital

-    Digital Future

-    Private Sector

A detailed booklet of the blending and guarantee programmes available for the private sector is now also available in Serbian for distribution at the recent EU Opportunity Week.

-    Private sector booklet Blending and Guarantees (ENG / SRB)

Bilateral donors 

Following the Strategic and Operational Board meeting of July 2024, the Bilateral Donors booklet and factsheet are updated with the latest contributions from contributor countries and the most recent project examples.

-    Bilateral donor factsheet

-    Bilateral donor booklet

All factsheets can be found in the Library section of wbif.eu.