The Sarajevo - Podlugovi railway section, approximately 25 km long, is on the line from Ploče to Budapest which is part of Pan European Corridor Vc. The line serves mostly bulk freight traffic, out of which 60% is international. The operating speed along the single electrified line is 30-70 km/h and the signalling system is, to a great extent, out of order and outdated. In addition, there are three locations with landslides that jeopardise line safety and operations.
Reconstruction of this railway section aims at: i) improving the railway track, structures and substructures to meet required standards, and ii) providing a basic signalling system to enable reliable traffic operation and possible extensions and additions in the future.
To support these efforts, WBIF has allocated a grant for the preparation of a Feasibility study including a cost-benefit analysis and a Main design comprising draft tender documents for track overhaul and signalling.