Prefeasibility Study for Albania - Kosovo Gas Pipeline

Prefeasibility Study for Albania - Kosovo Gas Pipeline

Project Description

The Albania-Kosovo* Gas Pipeline (ALKOGAP) aims to interconnect the existing and planned gas transmission system of Albania (including the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline and Ionian-Adriatic Pipeline) with the future projected gas transmission system of Kosovo and transmission interconnectors which are a part of the eastern branch of the Energy Community Gas Ring (ECGR). The investment aims to establish a new supply route for natural gas from the Middle East and the Caspian Region through Albania towards Kosovo as a first step, and, possibly in the future, to continue to other Western Balkans economies.

This WBIF technical assistance grant has financed the preparation of the Pre-feasibility study for the Albania-Kosovo Gas Pipeline.

* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence

Partner Financial Organisations

Western Balkans Partners