Albania’s electricity generation is based on hydropower; therefore, Albania’s national power security is totally dependent on the hydro-meteorological conditions (hydrological yields). Most importantly, at times of heavy rains, the management of the existing hydropower plant (HPP) cascade (Fierza, Koman, and Vau i Dejes) becomes difficult, increasing the risk of flooding downstream of the cascade
In order to increase Albania’s energy independence and partially mitigate the risk of flooding, the Albanian government has commissioned a study to examine hydro resources and provide recommendations for the best option for HPP development in this area.
As a result, the site of Skavica has been identified as a potential development for hydroelectricity generation and possible flood mitigation through the implementation of a new dam upstream of the existing cascade.
In this context, WBIF has financed the preparation of the Feasibility study including preliminary engineering and technical studies, supported by financial and business modelling, economic assessments, risks and sensitivities, and full socio-environmental assessments (ESIA/EIA). In order to properly address the underlying environmental and social concerns, this work was accompanied and supplemented with a Regional Impact Assessment that investigated cumulative effects on the river basin level and potential transboundary effects of the proposed development.