Serbia has been facing severe challenges related to frequent flood events affecting a great part of the territory. The most severe flood event with catastrophic consequences happened in May 2014 when the flooding happened within the protected areas in the sub-catchments of the rivers Sava, Drina, West Morava, and Great Morava.
This investment programme concerns Tamiš (Pančevački Rit) and West Morava sub-river basins where flood protection structures only partially protect the vulnerable areas. The majority of the selected systems, based on the principles of passive flood protection, were built more than 70 years ago. The protection level and the functionality of the structures are not high enough to protect the population, environment, industrial facilities and infrastructural objects in the hinterland.
This WBIF technical assistance grant has funded the preparation of a Pre-feasibility Study defining the investment programme and measures, General Design, and Environmental and Impact Assessment (EIA) for investments in integrated water management in selected sub-river basins.
The objective of investments is to increase the resilience of the flood protection system, improve the conditions of the flood protection structures, and reduce the risk of flooding.