Merošina-Beloljin is a section of the Niš-Merdare Highway E-80 in Serbia, a high-priority investment for the country and region. Highway E-80 is part of the road axis that links Bulgaria with the Adriatic Sea via Serbia, Kosovo* and Albania. It is also part of Route 7, one of the main East-West road corridors that not only connects Niš and Priština but also represents the main connection with Corridor IV (which mainly crosses Bulgaria and Romania) and Corridor X via Route 6 (Skopje-Priština) and Route 2b (Sarajevo-Podgorica-Vlora).
This WBIF technical assistance grant has financed the preparation of Detailed Design and Tender Documents for works and services for the road section Niš (Merošina) - Plocnik (Beloljin) on the new Highway E-80 Niš-Merdare route.
Previously, WBIF has supported the preparation of a Feasibility Study (FS), Preliminary Design (PD) and Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for this section, as well as the Pre-feasibility study for the entire Niš-Merdare highway.
* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence