Albania remains unconnected to the regional and European gas networks without the natural gas industry or gas market in the country. Diversification of sources and routes of energy supply in order to increase energy security represents a strategic objective for Albania.
In order to mitigate these challenges and enhance the gasification of the country, WBIF provided a €1.1 million grant to support the development of the Detailed Design and Tender Dossier for the construction of a 40 km long Fier - Vlora natural gas pipeline to connect Vlora Thermal Power Plant (TPP) gas to the Trans-Adriatic-Pipeline (TAP). Additionally, the Vlora TPP will be converted to use natural gas as fuel for electricity generation in lieu of oil.
This investment builds on the results of the Gas Development Masterplan for Albania completed in 2017 with the support of WBIF. The Masterplan concluded that the transmission pipeline connecting TAP with TPP Vlora should be the first priority investment for the gasification of Albania. The Albanian electricity distribution system will benefit significantly from additional generation capacity that would be available on-demand, in order to supplement the hydro production in periods of poor hydrological conditions.