The Municipality of Pljevlja is located in northern Montenegro and covers an area of 1,346 km2. Pljevlja’s sewerage network, long around 56 km, serves about 80% of the urban population. Only 10% of the total length of the sewerage network has separate sanitary and stormwater sewers. Storm and wastewater effluents are discharged into the Ćehotina River and its tributaries in the Danube River Basin.
The feasibility study for the water supply, sewerage system and wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) for Pljevlja, developed in 2007, envisaged the construction of WWTP in two phases.
Even though Phase 1 has been completed, it cannot be tested due to the lack of adequate wastewater. The influent load to the WWTP does not meet quality and quantity design parameters since sewage and stormwater have not been separated.
To ensure the optimum operation and functioning of the sewerage system and of the WWTP, improvement works will be implemented in two phases:
WBIF supports the implementation of Phase 2 through technical assistance for an update of the Feasibility Study with Conceptual Design and Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA), development of the Detailed Design and preparation of the Tender Documentation for construction works and supervision of works.