In Albania, the Law on Energy Efficiency has established a series of obligations in terms of reducing energy consumption by the public and private sectors. Among other measures, starting from 1 September 2021, the public sector has been obliged to renovate a minimum of 3% of the total stock of public buildings annually to meet the minimum requirements for energy performance.
In Albania, 60% of the educational buildings, among other public buildings, were built before the 1990s. Many of them have been partially or completely renovated. However, the rehabilitation/new constructions completed before 2015 do not include energy efficiency interventions.
For these reasons, the Albanian authorities have initiated the renovation of about 50 to 55 public educational institutions with a total surface of about 80,000 m2 and a total capacity of 20,000 students (5.5% of the total country’s students) in order to upgrade their energy performance and improve health and safety conditions.
The specific buildings - subjects of renovation - will be identified based on the results of the Stock Building Assessment and Structural & Energy Audits that will be conducted in the framework of the technical assistance provided through WBIF. More precisely, TA will cover the assessment of the school buildings stock, selection of buildings to be renovated, preparation of the Feasibility Study, energy & structural audits, preparation of the Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP), and support provided for the project preparation and implementation.