In Kosovo*, the heating of facilities comprises around 70% of the overall thermal energy consumption. The implementation of energy efficiency measures has been focused on the improvement of heating, lighting and thermal insulation in municipal public buildings. This will help reduce Kosovo's energy expenditure and improve operating standards, particularly in schools and health centres.
Technical assistance, provided through WBIF, has supported the preparation of the Feasibility Study (FS) to review the institutional framework for energy efficiency in Kosovo from both policy and financing/ implementation perspectives. In addition, the FS included energy efficiency audits for 30 selected public buildings and resulted in proposals to introduce a programme of thermal insulation and other measures to promote more rational use of energy, including the introduction of energy-efficient light bulbs, replacement of space heating systems and installation of solar water heating.
The energy audits were undertaken by local engineers, formally trained and certified in energy auditing techniques. In addition, TA activities encompassed the investigation of modalities to finance the project implementation at the municipality level and provided further training to auditors and awareness raising in the municipalities with the capacity to take investment loans.
* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.