Energy Efficiency measures in Central Public Buildings

Energy Efficiency measures in Central Public Buildings

Project Description

The central-level public service building stock in Kosovo* can be broken down into three categories in terms of typology and age: constructions in the ’60s, '80s and those after the 2000s. The situation in most buildings has not been satisfactory in terms of their energy performance, and consequently, there has been a need for energy auditing and subsequent implementation of energy efficiency measures where this has proven to be economically feasible.

In these circumstances, WBIF has provided a technical assistance grant for the three-year period to cover the following activities:

  • 149 energy audits of central government buildings;
  • Update of Kosovo’s public building stock study;
  • Development of an environmental management strategy for hazardous materials from building renovations, including a review of potential landfills sites for storage of hazardous materials;
  • Review of 15 detailed designs and technical specifications;
  • Development of a building commissioning methodology;
  • Delivery of training on energy auditing, designs and construction;

The improvement of energy efficiency in central public service buildings will reduce the energy demand of the sector. Considering that the majority of these buildings are large energy consumers, this would result in considerable overall energy savings and increased security of supply.

* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.

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